- Νέες εκδόσεις
- Υπό έκδοση
- Συγγραφείς
- Κατάλογος
- Βιβλία για παιδιά
- Εκπαιδευτική γωνιά
- Πανεπιστημιακά
- Νόμπελ λογοτεχνίας
- Εκδόσεις πολυμέσων
- Ψηφιακά βιβλία (ebooks)
- Προσφορές (63)
- Συλλεκτική επετειακή σειρά
Kastaniotis Editions S.A was established in 1968 by Athanassios Kastaniotis, who is today the Chairman and Managing Director of the Publishing Company. The constant search for new methods of improving the quality of book publishing and electronic application, as well as the implementation of modern means of sales promotion, compose all these years the stable development axis of the Company. The wide range and the quality of our books have managed to win the preference of a large and demanding audience.
Up to date our publishing house conprises 5000 titles covering among others areas such as:
Our list is extremely popular in the local market due to a fine selection of titles combined with high quality of translation even from the most demanding languages, e.g hebrew, arabic, chinese, japanese
The Company operates in the publishing field and specifically in the sub sector of book publishing. More explicitly, the basic entrepreneurial activities of the Company as mentioned in the Articles of Operation of the Athanassios A. Kastaniotis S.A. are the following:
Kastaniotis Editions have acquired the ISO 9001 Quality Procedure System for the totality of their administrative, production and trading activities.
After more than 40 year of presence, Kastaniotis Editions S.A has published nearly 5.000 titles and for more than a decade it has been the most productive publishing house in Greece in the annual production of new titles. Our house has become truly indispensable to every local bookseller and our books can be found in the home of every book-lover.