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- Προσφορές (63)
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Kastaniotis Editions S.A was established in 1968 by Athanassios Kastaniotis, who is today the Chairman and Managing Director of the Publishing Company.
Kostas Arkoudeas made his literary début in 1986 at the age of twenty eight with Let Bob Marley Wait, a collection of short stories. Since then, his novels, novellas, and short stories have assured him a constant presence in Greek letters. He lives in Athens, where he works at the National Book Centre.
«The city of one thousand faces» (Odysseas publ. 1987), «The song of the tropics» (Odysseas publ. 1998), «The old flesh of the snake» (Kedros publ. 1992), «Pattions according to the Aegean» (Kedros publ. 1994), «Take care not to turn into stone» (Livanis publ. 1996), «Never the same road» (Kedros publ. 1999), «All days Sunday» (Kedros publ. sort stories 1998-2000), «The Pirate» (Kedros publ. 2003) and «Alexander the Great and his Shadow» (Kastaniotis publ. 2004).
«The number of God» is his latest novel (Kastaniotis publ. 2008).
Εκδόσεις: Θεμιστοκλέους 104, 10681 Αθήνα. Τηλ. 210 3301208, fax. 210 3822530, info@kastaniotis.com
Βιβλιοπωλείο: Ζαλόγγου 11, 10678 Αθήνα. Τηλ. 210 3816310, fax. 210 3801331
Πολιτική Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα - Όροι & Προϋποθέσεις