Kastaniotis Editions S.A was established in 1968 by Athanassios Kastaniotis, who is today the Chairman and Managing Director of the Publishing Company.
From Life to Literature |
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Fragments of a life, intimate trips down memory lane amongst places and people, musings on literature, on History and the modern ‘female language’ make up this unique collection, mapping out Galanaki’s life through her writings. In this book, the innermost is partly made public, since the author’s thoughts stem from modern issues and ideas, from commonly-shared concerns, questions and conclusions. On the opposite side of a systematic autobiography, this book proposes a fragmentary yet solid sequence of alternating life and literature.
Εκδόσεις: Θεμιστοκλέους 104, 10681 Αθήνα. Τηλ. 210 3301208, fax. 210 3822530, info@kastaniotis.com
Βιβλιοπωλείο: Ζαλόγγου 11, 10678 Αθήνα. Τηλ. 210 3816310, fax. 210 3801331
Πολιτική Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα - Όροι & Προϋποθέσεις