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Fotini Tsalikoglou studied at Geneva University and took Clinic Psychology as her major honors. She teaches Psychology at Pantio University and conducts the ‘Psychology and Mass Media’ Cross-sector Postgraduate Program. Her scientific work published is: Schizophrenia and murder (In search of Paradise Lost); Violence and repression mythos; The dangerous psychopath legend; Psychologically; Psychological (The baits of self-evident); Contemporary psychology in Greece; The other shore (attn.), and What if (Dialogues with Margarita Karapanou). She also published the tale Earth fairy (illustration by Alexis Kiritsopoulos). Published by Kastaniotis Editions: Anthi Alkaiou’s , daughter, Potioning Eros, I dreamed I was healthy, I, Martha Freud, and All worlds’ affirmations. Furthermore, the scientific essays Psychology of every day live (The culture of the transient); The soul in consumption land, and You don’t love me. You love me (The mysteries of mother affection).